Showing posts with label friction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label friction. Show all posts

Wednesday, 1 March 2017

Food For Thought

Short Stories, Humour, Music and Entertainment! Occasional HOT TOPICs with a unique perspective..

What's On Your Mind?

"We drink too much, smoke too much, spend too recklessly, laugh too little, drive too fast, get too angry, stay up too late, get up too tired, read too little, watch TV too much. We have multiplied our possessions but reduced our values. We talk too much, love too seldom, and hate too often. We've learned how to make a living but not a life. We've added years to life, not life to years."   ~George Carlin 1937 - 2008

In the middle of one interview, L. Ron Hubbard was asked, "are you a mad man?" He answered; "We're all mad. The one person you will find who says or thinks they're not mad, is a madman!"

So when the biggest social network on the planet, as soon as I log in asks me; "What's on my mind?" I'm usually at a loss.

Asking what's on someone's mind, I think is really asking for trouble as we may quickly find, in one way or another that we're all mad.

The mind is very mysterious indeed. It's one reason psychiatry isn't an exact science. So, instead of asking someone what's on their mind..(however you want to define mind), wouldn't it be easier just to ask the question, "what are you thinking?" 

So what exactly is the mind? Is it separate from thought? Is it an amalgamation of both, essential to concepts, ideas and our core personalities?

How likely are you to answer truthfully, when someone asks what you're thinking. Will you be honest with a potential employer or someone from whom you're seeking a favour, if what you're thinking will derail that purpose? 

How truthful are you likely to be able to put out your sincere thoughts next time someone asks: "What are you thinking?"

Sane or mad, very few will be able to give an honest answer. The answers will usually be tailored to fit what the questioner wants to hear in order to accomplish our objective. The gain or fulfilment of a personal agenda...

Please don't ask what's on my mind. I hardly ever know. Rather, ask, "what are you thinking?" Or, "what are you going to do?" maybe even, "what do you say?"

If I'm sober and coherent, I might even give you an answer!

"If it is the beginning of madness, you can stop feigning sanity." ~ Robert Littell


Sunday, 6 November 2016

Airport Security

George's More Than A  Pet Peeve.. But A Major Psychotic Episode

This is to clarify that the content of the video is entirely for comedic purposes. I wouldn't do anything he suggests in the clip. It's just a Joke! And, if this is George Carlin's own insight and unique perspective, I wouldn't know anything about it, because I never met the man.

George Carlin was very funny.

His humour can be cutting. Sometimes extremely, because often, he takes it to the very edge.

Some would say, terrorism is no laughing matter. Lots of innocent people have been killed and maimed by creatures that have no love, empathy, pity or consideration for humanity. 

Their aim is to get governments to clamp down further on our freedoms, helping to feed on paranoia, with our consent.

Governments all over the globe are fighting the terrorists. There is vast support for everything the authorities are doing to detect, arrest and neutralise terrorists, but we must also do our bit. For instance, we can consciously decide to keep our eyes and ears open more than ever before. 

The government's main job, (in my humble opinion) is  to identify the sponsors, the sources of funding and the arms suppliers than keep terrorism in business.

The rest of us, should stay alert and observant. 

We should all be aware of what is happening around us at all times because those days when we went about our daily business, blissfully unaware of what is going on around us, are over.


It can be perplexing and worrisome to see people engrossed on mobile devices in public. Many seem so unaware because they are usually caught up in their own private virtual universe to the exclusion of everything else that's going on around them. 

We are responsible for our own personal safety, more than the security people who are in charge of keeping a professional eye out and apprehending those who are out to cause chaos and mayhem. 

If we refuse to be terrorised, if we refuse to allow terrorism to change our way of life, the way we interact with one another, keeping an eye out for danger, all these extraordinary and tighter security will be totally unnecessary. We will also be giving a strong message to the sinister forces, that their actions will not impact negatively on our freedom.

George's complaint is about overzealous security whose approach can sometimes rub citizens up the wrong way at the airports. 

A negative approach can give the wrong impression and  a whole lot of satisfaction to the terrorists, that their terrorism is in some ways, curbing our cherished freedoms.

His answers to the three big questions are funny and will probably get him arrested at most airports. 

At best, he wouldn't get to travel on the day, even if the airport security guys have a sense of humour.

We shouldn't really be afraid, instead, we should be alert to keep a keen eye out for anything that looks out of the ordinary at the airport and other public places. 

Refusing to be intimidated by terrorists, is one way to turn the tables, and make them to be afraid of us.

History has proven that the human spirit is indomitably unconquerable. So walk proudly with your head held high. There is nothing to fear but the fear itself!


The Princess Spy

Noor Inayat Khan Alias Nora Baker, and codenamed Madeleine, was a beautiful and talented princess.  Before the war, she had bagged...